Board of Supervisors Public Hearing - Amendment to FY25 Budget - March 13, 2025


Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 11, 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia as amended and 15.2-6402 of the Code of Virginia as amended,  that the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on March 13, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. in the Northumberland County Courts Building at 220 Judicial Place adjacent to the Sheriff’s Office in Heathsville, VA in order to consider an amendment to the fiscal year 2025 budget.  This budget amendment is for the purpose of budgeting/appropriating monies for grants, reimbursements, additional personnel, Auditing Costs, Opioid Settlement Monies, Sheriff’s Office, and Emergency Services.

National Opioid ..............................................................

 $      100,973.62

Emergency Services........ …………………...………………

 $      801,072.59

Sheriff's Office…....................................……………………

 $      137,798.98

Electoral Board…..…......…....................................................

 $        12,105.00

Auditing Services…........................………………..…………

 $      102,724.25

General Properties…......................................................

 $        37,564.59

Circuit Court......................................................................

 $         4,878.86

ARPA Carryover...............................................................

 $      591,163.00

School Division...............….......................................

 $   1,189,653.45


 $      430,911.24

Social Services......................….......................................

 $       34,000.00



 $  3,442,845.58

All written comments should be received by the County Administrator’s Office prior to the meeting. Instructions for attending the meeting either physically or telephonically can be found on our website at  For further information concerning this budget amendment, contact the County Administrator’s Office at the Old Courthouse in Heathsville, VA (804-580-7666 or email  If you are physically disabled, hearing or visually impaired and need assistance with this hearing, please call Jerry Rushing at 804-580-8910 (Voice) or Via the Virginia Relay or TDD for assistance.