Board of Supervisors Public Hearing - Requests by Coulson & Konzelman, and Manna Properties, LLC & Yeatman - February 9, 2023
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 22, §15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia as amended that the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Northumberland County Courts Building (220 Judicial Pl) in Heathsville in order to consider the following requests.
- Request by Randy Coulson and Jacquelynn Konzelman, owners, to allow a multi-dwelling unit consisting of three (3) one-bedroom apartments on property zoned R-1, Residential. The property is shown as Tax Map Parcel #38-B(1)-118-B and is located at 181 Main Street in Reedville.
- Request by Manna Properties, LLC, owner, and Kyle Yeatman, applicant, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a boathouse larger than the allowed 700 Sq. Ft. The property is shown as Tax Map Parcel # 8-A(1)-1 and is located at 1474 Lodge Road.