Executive Director of Economic Development

Job Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting applications

Northumberland County is accepting applications for the part-time position of Executive Director of Economic Development.  The Executive Director works in collaboration with the Economic Development Commission to execute professional and technical work, including but not limited to the following:

Develop, update and implement a Strategic Plan aimed at fostering economic growth for the County including infrastructure development, business expansion, development of new and diversified businesses, expanded tourism in the County, and meeting annual objectives set by the Commission.
Maintain strong working relationships and act as liaison with local businesses, coalitions, local civic groups, and non-profit organizations; state, regional, and local governmental officials; economic development-related organizations; and educational institutions to ensure collaboration, coordination, and synergy in the development and implementation of initiatives.
Administer existing EDC programs (Incentive Grants and Mini-Loans); manage existing projects (Revitalization application, Historic Heathsville Tourism); and develop new initiatives with the necessary funding support.
Enhance the capacity of the workforce through the provision of education & training programs for new or existing businesses and support for public/private education initiatives.
Maintain visibility of the EDC and its activities via a media and Internet presence.
Perform various administrative, record-keeping functions, and maintain files and correspondence of the Commission (e.g., circulate notice of Commission meetings, prepare EDC meeting agendas and minutes, and attend meetings that pertain to economic development).

Applicant requirements include any combination of experience and education equivalent to graduation from an accredited college or university with major course work in business administration, marketing, public administration, economics, planning, or related field, with professional experience in economic development, marketing or planning related activities, preferably in local, state or regional government. Applicants must have the ability to work independently and be able to work well with the public.  Applicants need to include a completed County application, resume with education and employment/experience.  This position will remain open until filled.  The maximum number of compensated hours of work each month is set at 40 hours with compensation negotiable.  Applications or information may be obtained from the County Administrator’s Office, Northumberland County Courthouse, P.O. Box 129, Heathsville, VA 22473; or (804) 580-7666 (voice), or email Luttrell Tadlock, County Administrator, at ltadlock@co.northumberland.va.us. Information about this position and application can be found on the County’s webpage at www.co.northumberland.va.us under Employment.
