Planning Commission Public Hearing - Revision to County Zoning Ordinance, Solar Energy Facilities - July 20, 2023
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 11, 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia as amended, that the Northumberland County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 20, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the new Courthouse at 220 Judicial Place, Heathsville, VA, and telephonically in order to consider the following:
1) A revision to the Northumberland County Zoning Ordinance § 148-155, Solar Energy Facilities, to modify the definition of solar energy facility, small system; to require negotiations on compensation of impacts to the county; to prohibit solar energy facilities in R-1, Residential General and R-2 Residential Waterfront zoned properties; require an environmental impact statement, a landscape agreement and surety; require an annual report of power output by month; stipulate decommissioning requires removal of infrastructure above and below ground; reduce the time for revision of the decommissioning plan from every five years to every two years; increase the time to decommission a solar energy facility from six to twelve months; as well as stipulate when the decommissioning plan and surety are due.