Wetlands Board Public Hearing - Requests by Brookshire, Cockwill, Day, Gepford, Kohler, Royle, and Williamson - June 13, 2023
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 28.2-1302 and Chapter 14 28.2-1400 of the Code of Virginia, that the Northumberland County Wetlands Board will hold a public hearing in the Sheriff’s Office at 195 Judicial Place in Heathsville, Virginia, on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, commencing at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following application for wetland and/or coastal primary sand dune and beach permits:
- Request by James A. Brookshire (V.M.R.C. #23-0867) to remove an existing deteriorating bulkhead and construct 153 linear feet of bulkhead and portions of return wall in the same alignment along the shoreline of Judith Sound and 211 Judith Sound Circle.
- Request by Neil Cockwill (V.M.R.C. #23-0881) to install 261 linear feet of marsh toe sill with growth bags along the shoreline of the Great Wicomico River and 97 Knights Run View.
- Request by Richard L.& Jill M. Day (V.M.R.C. #23-1141) to refurbish 120 linear feet of riprap revetment channelward of an existing timber bulkhead, remove a deteriorated timber bulkhead and collapsed concrete boat ramp to construct a 40-foot replacement timber bulkhead in same alignment and construct a 36 foot low-profile timber groin along and from the shoreline of the Little Wicomico River and 738 Bridge Creek Circle.
- Request by Chris Gepford (V.M.R.C. #23-0288) to install 200 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Flag Pond and 149 Davis Way in Northumberland Plantation.
- Request by Gary Kohler (V.M.R.C. #23-0184) to extend an existing rock jetty with fender piles, construct a breakwater with fender piles and install 370 linear feet of armor stone around existing low-profile timber groins along the shoreline of the Chesapeake Bay and Gaskins Pond and 794 Gaskins Beach Road.
- Request by David B. Royle (V.M.R.C. #23-1004) to install 646 linear feet of riprap sill and 45 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Lodge Creek and 330 Tucker Point Lane.
- Request by Otis T. & Darla J. Williamson (V.M.R.C. #23-1024) to install 30 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Indian Creek and 512 E. Fairway Drive.