Wetlands Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 28.2-1302 of the Code of Virginia and the Northumberland County Emergency Ordinance addressing Continuity of Government during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic, that the Northumberland County Wetlands Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, commencing at 7:00 P.M., in the Northumberland County Sheriff’s Office (195 Judicial Place) in Heathsville to consider the following applications for wetland and/or coastal primary sand dune and beach permits:
1. Request by Mark Coggins (V.M.R.C. #22-0575) to install 100 linear feet of riprap revetment and 60 linear feet of coir logs along the shoreline of Rock Hole Creek and 24 Bay Point Court.
2. Request by Rochelle Jobes (V.M.R.C. #22-0513) to install 76 linear feet of armor stone revetment channelward of a failed bulkhead along the shoreline of the Chesapeake Bay and 288 Great Wicomico Light Lane.
3. Request by MVBB, LLC and Ginger Brooks (V.M.R.C. #22-0567) to install 204 linear feet of riprap sill and 78 linear feet of breakwater along the shoreline of the Coan River and 1578 Cowart Road.
4. Request by Ranbec II, LLC (V.M.R.C. #22-0342) to conduct a dredge of 1,000 cu. yds of spoils and to allow expansion of an existing commercial marina along the shoreline of the Great Wicomico River and 2379 Jessie Dupont Memorial Highway.
5. Request by Mia Thompson Ray (V.M.R.C.#22-0577) to remove an existing failed timber groin and install an armor stone groin 48 feet from MHW and remove a failed timber bulkhead and install 90 linear feet of armor stone revetment along and from the shoreline of the Chesapeake Bay and 105 Shoreline Drive