Wetlands Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 28.2-1302 and Chapter 14 28.2-1400 of the Code of Virginia, that the Northumberland County Wetlands Board will hold a public hearing in the Sheriff’s Office at 195 Judicial Place in Heathsville, Virginia, on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, commencing at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following application for wetland and/or coastal primary sand dune and beach permits:
1. Request by Blaine Altaffer (V.M.R.C. #22-2244) to construct a commercial pier from the shoreline of Cockrells Creek and 517 Deep Water Lane.
2. Request by Linda Duvall (V.M.R.C. #22-2037) to install 90 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Lowes Pond and 328 White Sand Drive in White Sands Harbor Subdivision.
3. Request by Robert Hawkins (V.M.R.C. 22-2404) to install 110 linear feet of riprap revetment and two (2) 40-foot gapped stone sills along the shoreline of the Great Wicomico River and 53 Knights Run View.
4. Request by Timothy Lovain (V.M.R.C. #22-2234) to install 75 linear feet of riprap revetment along failing timber and stone bulkhead and remove three (3) existing failing groins and replace with two (2) new timber groins, each 48’feet channelward of MHW along and from the shoreline of the Potomac River and 789 Virmar Beach Road.
5. Request by William P. Rieck, Jr. (V.M.R.C. #22-2330) to install 65 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Owens Pond and 721 Twin Harbor Road.