Wetlands Public Hearing - March 12, 2024
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 28.2-1302 and Chapter 14 28.2-1400 of the Code of Virginia, that the Northumberland County Wetlands Board will hold a public hearing in the Sheriff’s Office at 195 Judicial Place in Heathsville, Virginia, on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, commencing at 7:00 P.M., to consider the following application for wetland and/or coastal primary sand dune and beach permits:
1. Request by William Atwill (V.M.R.C. #24-0283) to install 190 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of the Barnes Creek and 89 Barnes View Lane.
2. Request by Sam B. & Linda J. Chancellor (V.M.R.C. #24-0383) to install 34 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Cod Creek and 239 Muriel Drive in Bay Quarter Shores Subdivision.
3. Request by Carl Johnson (V.M.R.C. #24-0366) to install 120 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Ellyson Creek and 993 Ferry Road.
4. Request by Debra & James Melisi (V.M.R.C. #24-0352) to rebuild two timber groins each 48 feet from MHW along the shoreline of Potomac River and 145 Riverside Court.
5. Request by TIG Advisors LP, ET AL (V.M.R.C. #23-2870) to repair an existing timber bulkhead and install armor stone protection and to add armor stone protection for two (2) existing timber groins along the shoreline of the Potomac River and 356 Devils Wood Yard Road.
The applications requesting the proposed permits are on file in the Office of Building and Zoning at the Old Courthouse in Heathsville, VA, where all interested parties may view and inspect the projects. Written comments must be mailed, faxed to (804) 580-8082 or e-mailed to pmarston@co.northumberland.va.us. If you are physically disabled, hearing or visually impaired and need assistance with this hearing, please call Stevie Conaway at (804) 580-8910 (Voice) or Via the Virginia Relay or TDD for assistance.